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Boston Defective Product Recall Attorneys

Companies frequently have to recall products that were manufactured or designed with defects. Often, these defects result in serious injuries or accidents to consumers who use them before the products are recalled. Individuals who have sustained injuries when using defective products should consult with an experienced attorney to learn more about their rights under the law.

At the Cambridge law firm of Clark, Hunt, Ahern & Embry, we represent clients in personal injury and product liability claims throughout Massachusetts. Our trial lawyers work closely with clients to learn how these injuries will impact their lives and the lives of their families. We also consult with experts to determine how the defect was introduced into the product and the liability of the manufacturer.

Examples of Defective Products

Our law firm handles cases involving defective and unsafe products that have been recalled, such as:

  • Defective medical devices
  • Industrial machines and tools
  • Autos and other vehicles with defective seat belts, tires, air bags and other components
  • Consumer products such as appliances and furniture
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical devices
  • Toys, car seats and strollers

Accidents involving defective products fall under the area of law known as 'product liability'. This is a complex area of the law that requires extensive knowledge, persistence and determination. Our firm represents clients who have been injured, as well as families of fatal accidents involving defective product recalls.

Clark, Hunt, Ahern & Embry has helped its clients recover millions of dollars for their product liability injuries.

Contact Clark, Hunt, Ahern & Embry to schedule a free initial consultation with our Massachusetts product liability lawyers. Call 888-645-8582 toll free. We take injury cases on a contingency basis, charging no fee until we recover damages on your behalf.

Contact us Today for a Free Consultation

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Key Areas of Specialty
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Clark, Hunt, Ahern & Embry
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142

Tel: 617-401-7642 | 888-645-8582
Fax: 617-494-1921
Cambridge Law Office